Bench 37

The first time I went to trails nearby my home I took a wrong turn. Instead of the easy trail around the lake, I ended up going uphill to the ridge.  I think of that moment a lot.  The unexpected complexity that life can take.  How many times in the last year have I declared, “This is my moment of breakthrough,” only to be frustrated by another uphill stretch.  

However, the uphill battles don’t leave us abandoned to where we started.  They bring us to places like Bench 37, which sits on top of the ridge.  They lead us to moments of reflection, and they give us a different perspective.  They make us stronger.  

Right now my life is resting at a Bench 37.  I walked in a hard season, but I know who I am more than ever before.  I know how to simultaneously process grief and hope for the future.  I have confidence in my dreams and plans.  Here on Bench 37 my connection with Father God is stronger than ever before.  The doubts, loneliness and anger of the uphill season were overwhelming.  I don’t want to diminish that. Yet, those things have melted away.  Left in their place are stairs of Father’s goodness, faithfulness, and provision.  He was with me every step of the way.  

“The blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care, 

and their inheritance will endure forever. 

In times of disaster they will not wither; 

in days of famine they will enjoy plenty. 

The Lord makes firm the steps 

of the one who delights in him; 

though he may stumble, he will not fall, 

for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” 

Psalm 37:18-19, 23-24

Nicole Poolman