
On the plane on my way to California I was sitting in the dreaded middle seat. Planted between two businessman I started to arrange my space…phone and headphones out, bag under seat, hand sanitizer in the seat pocket.  While I was settling into my home for the next four hours, the man in the window slid the blinds shut and passed out. My eager heart sunk as the hopes of watching the earth fly by slipped away. 

I am now on my trip home. My experience felt redeemed when I realized I had my own row. I moved over to the window seat, full of expectation. I am watching as we soar above the clouds, the mountain peaks are our only sign of land as the sun sets. I can’t help but marvel at the beauty. 

I want to be this person, the one who marvels. I want to be quick to be impressed by God’s goodness, by creation, by those around me. When I am full of wonder I feel wild and free. Every encounter, every trip feels like a great adventure. 

Wonder isn’t just for a select few. It’s not just for the overly emotional or childish.  Wonder isn’t just for the creatives.  

When we harden our hearts we create a shell around wonder and it becomes harder and harder to access it.  Like a pearl in a oyster we pull back the hard shell to find the treasure of wonder. Our heart might awake to it slowly at first, but wonder generates wonder. Suddenly, we will find our lives have become alive with the promise and beauty around us. 

We see God’s strength in the tall pines, His softness is the wispy clouds. We know His warmth in the sun, and His rejuvenation in the breeze.  We can see His care when we look at the birds, and hear His joy in the laughter of children. The blades of grass become reminders of His promises. We experience His love in the song, and His nearness on our breath. Everything around us screams His name, Jesus! Creator! Papa God!

Wonder is our natural state. I believe we were created for wonder, because wonder is worship.  Wonder gives praise to what God is doing or has done. It isn’t distracted by what is not going well in our lives, but focuses itself on the one that can do something about it. 

Wonder is the state of heaven. In revelation 4:8 it says the creatures of heaven never stop saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” These creatures know something about wonder. They have seen the King of Heaven and Earth and as majestic and powerful as they are their response is unending praises. A few verses later we read about elders who fall face down before God. They remove their crowns because they know their authority is nothing compared to the one who is before them. I imagine there voices shaking in awe as they cry out, “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things.  By your will they were created and have their being.” 

What if we lived with heavenly wonder, how would our lives look different? How much more hope would we have? How much more peace would we have?  What about freedom? Or joy? 

I want to find out.  I want to be the one who chooses wonder. 

Nicole Poolman