My Psalm

You told me to heal and I opened my heart. ⠀
You told me to rest and I surrendered it all. ⠀
You told me to dream and I dared to hope. ⠀
You told me to feel and emotion welled. ⠀
Now, here I am, in my bed laid awake. ⠀
I lay here exposed and broken, ⠀
Your promises feel far off, forgotten. ⠀

You are my future, you are my past. In every season of life you have promised your faithfulness, your goodness. You know me, and yet you do not pull away from me. Even while I am laying in my ugliness you still draw near to me. You are not intimidated by my weakness, and you find no reason to be concerned for it. You come into my weakness and made your home there. ⠀

If you have no reason to be ashamed of my weakness than why shall I? I am weak, dependent. I will stop running, and let you catch me. Come make me strong, your strength is mine. Your love will become my breakthrough, your joy my healing balm. ⠀

I don’t believe in your goodness because my life is easy. ⠀
I don’t believe in your faithfulness because ⠀
I have only experienced the land of milk and honey. ⠀
But I know your goodness because I know heartache. ⠀
I know your faithfulness because I know the desert. ⠀
This does not make me weak, it makes me strong.⠀
It does not make be foolish, it makes me wise. ⠀
It does not make me susceptible, it makes me rooted.

(Originally posted September 26, 2016)

Nicole Poolman