Teach us How to Pray

Rarely are those prayers about early circumstances going “my way.” They are much more frequently about repentance, surrender, people experiencing deeper relationships with Jesus, or God receiving glory. I don’t know what will happen if our nation doesn’t actively unite and quit polarizing ourselves. I am sure it won’t be good. However, if everything I have ever known of the world I live in goes away, my prayers will still stand because they are not built on earthly things.

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Nicole Poolman
Unlock Kinloch

I climbed out of the truck and looked down the trash rimmed streets. The same grief that I felt in the slums of Uganda came over me. The injustice was undeniable. That day the images of an forgotten community started rumbling in my spirit and have not stopped.

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Nicole Poolman
A Day to Move on Prayer

What if we all came together in prayer? What if we reached out to people who didn’t look like us, act like us, vote like us…and come together in prayer? What if we all came together with our unique heritages and legacies and prayed for Jesus to be glorified among us? What would change?

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Nicole Poolman
Praise, Peace and Goodwill

I am naturally a peacekeeper. I know how to keep the peace with the best of them. I look down, politely smile, avoid the moody family member. The more I behave in this socially acceptable way the more I am rewarded with smiles, invitations, and conversation. However, these habits do not create atmospheres of peace. Very much the opposite. These things create atmosphere of tension and shallow forms of relationship.

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Nicole Poolman
How to Respond: Individual Edition

There have been many posts over the years laying out ways that individuals can respond to the trauma of racism and hatred. You can follow the best list out there, but if Holy Spirit isn’t leading you to it then it will always be lacking. That is part of the reason I haven’t created my own list (until now). I have prayed and asked Holy Spirit to highlight ways that I can share with you, but please invite Holy Spirit into where HE is leading you!

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Nicole Poolman
How to Respond: Church Edition

In these moments of pain, how are local churches to respond in a way that honors Jesus? In a way that offers unity, healing, and the life-saving gospel message. I have sat with dozens of pastors and asked the same question. Here are some ways that I have seen be successful…

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Nicole Poolman
Another Justice and Righteousness Reading List

The world has taken the word and concepts of justice and has done what they saw as right in their own eyes. However, scripture is not unclear about such concepts.

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. Psalm 89:14

But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24

Justice and righteousness must go together. It is time for the church to rise and take her rightful place.

Like the pervious post, some of these books are from a Biblical perspective, other books are not faith based. I believe both can be valuable, as outlined below. I encourage everyone to think critically about all books, comparing them to scripture. These are no exception.

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Nicole Poolman
A Weeping Woman

I can weep with those who are weeping. I can validate the hope, complexity, desperation, and grief of the now. Even when I do not understand I can let compassion move me to action. I can sit next to my sisters and become a weeping woman.

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Nicole Poolman
Finding Peace in a World of Headlines

In the last three weeks there have been major headlines that have grabbed the attention of our nation. For my friends in Michigan, even more so. The peace I longed to find in verdicts I did not find. Where I did find them was loving people amid chaos, or in repenting of my own sinful responses. In other words, where I found peace was in His way.

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Nicole Poolman
My White Story

It is not enough to only celebrate where our country has come from. We must be actively pursuing loving conversation with those who we are in relationships with. It is crucial for us to be seeking understanding and searching our own hearts for prejudice. That is only going to happen when we ask the hard questions.

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Nicole Poolman
On Earth as it is in Heaven

Racial Injustice is a spiritual battle that is manifesting physically on the earth, and it needs to be treated as such. We must be praying Kingdom truths into our communities. These Kingdom prayers, including repentance and forgiveness, are what sets the stage for the practical work of racial reconciliation to be done in peace. These are the prayers that soften hearts, open ears and give wisdom.

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Nicole Poolman
The Kingdom Narrative

We like to fit what we experience into a narrative with boundaries we already know. It is a coping mechanism to help us make sense of confusing times. Right, wrong, conservative, liberal, conspiracist, or fascist all become narratives we turn to. In my experience we choose to fit world circumstances into the narrative we know best. Into the narrative, we identify most with. What we have put our identity in is being revealed in this season. Our idols are being revealed in this season.

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Nicole Poolman
Instinctive Response

I was horrified as I watch one of my friends step between me and the young man. Looking directly at him my friend told him to apologize.

I was stunned.

My mind was racing, but no words were coming out. I didn’t know where to put my hands or where to look. I was confused, everything was upside down.

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Nicole Poolman