Teach us How to Pray

While not unprecedented, the attempted assassination of Trump was shocking. Certainly a small indicator, a temperature gauge, of what is going on across our nation right now. During times like this I find that often the Church starts praying “reactionary” prayers. Of course, I think prayers for unity, protection, and peaceful transfers of power are good. I have also seen these prayers politicized and polarized because of our worldview. 

In 2020 Holy Spirit started using the phrase “higher perspective” to me. (I wrote about it here.) Ephesians 2:6-7 says that we are “Seated with Jesus in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” When I pray, I want my prayers to be from that Heavenly perspective. I don’t pray from my human experience. I don’t pray as a republican or a democrat. I pray as a daughter of God, praying the things Jesus is praying (scripture).

Rarely are those things about early circumstances going “my way.” They are much more frequently about repentance, surrender, people experiencing deeper relationships with Jesus, or God receiving glory. I don’t know what will happen if our nation doesn’t actively unite and quit polarizing ourselves. I am sure it won’t be good. However, if everything I have ever known of the world I live in goes away, my prayers will still stand because they are not built on earthly things.

Perhaps you, like me, were finding the words to pray this weekend. When I am lost for words, I often go back to the Lord’s Prayer. May I humbly suggest these prayer points: 

  1. Glory be to the name of Jesus. His name is above every other name. 

  2. On Earth as it is in Heaven. May all the characteristics of Heaven and Fruit of the Spirit manifest on earth.

  3. Forgive us. Repent for the ways we have misrepresented the Kingdom of God. 

  4. Help us forgive others and release them from our human expectations. 

  5. The Kingdom belongs to God. We will not fear because we are not subject to earthly powers and authorities. 

His ways are truly above any other human way. However we are deciding to process and handle this election cycle, let’s represent Jesus well by reminding each other that Kingdom is more important than political agenda. The Bible is our plumb-line and there is no political party that represents the Bible. Imperfect people will lead imperfectly during this time, and we have been given a mandate of forgiveness. This world is not our home.

Nicole Poolman