Dear Millennial Dreamer


Dear the Millennial Dreamer, 

I love the way that you see and experience the world. I love that you don’t settle for the way things have been handed to you.  You have been told that you don’t take life seriously. I know that your dreams are evidence that in fact, you do take life seriously. You know that life is not measured by the amount of things that you acquire, or the property you have.  You don’t want to leave the world without making a difference. That is beautiful, that is powerful. 

I know that chasing your dreams is not easy.  That it often means working jobs you don’t enjoy, only to go home and try to muster up the creative energy to perfect your ideas. I know that there are days with an empty gas tank and an emptier refrigerator.  I know that passion is not always comfortable, and that you often feel misunderstood.  Please don’t stop.  We need your ideas, we need your creativity, we need your passion. 

Dreamer, I know the fear of disappointment that tries to hold you captive. You are so brave for showing up day after day with a dream for something different then what surrounds you. When disappointment comes, let it be an encouragement that you have gotten closer to the double doors of favor that will open for you. When disappointment comes, let it be a testimony to what you are conquering. 

You are not made for comparison or competition, you are made for community. Rally the troops, find your people, press in.  Even if it feels lonely you don’t have to be alone.  Let people champion, challenge, and experience your passion.  Then, the days you don’t think you can take another step someone will ask you about whats next. Then you know you have already won, you have already changed a heart. 

Dreamer, there will be a day that you look back and know that you made a difference, even if only in your own life.  You will see the confidence that grew, the wisdom that was gained, and the glorious victories you can only find in battle. Your life will tell a story, one that challenges and compels. And one day, when you are old and the twenty-something behind the cash register is gushing about their dreams, you will be able to smile and say, “Keep dreaming, anything is possible.”  

With Hope, 

Fellow Dreamer