
Yesterday, we were painting my mom’s house and we ran out of painter’s tape. I ran to the store to purchase more. I paid for it, then I could take it home. What if we paid the price of revival, in faith that what we take home will be revival. What if we laid down our dignity, finances, and lifestyle to pursue Jesus? What in our life would change? What in our world would change?  

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Nicole Poolman

If we are not changing, then we have stopped growing and have become stagnate. I would argue that a stagnate life is living below what Christ has paid for on the cross.  

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Nicole Poolman
A Higher Perspective

This week I was journaling, and I had a memory come back to me. I was four or five years old playing Tee Ball. It was the first game, and my turn to bat.  My heart was beating, and I could feel everyone’s eyes on my back.  The anxiety of it all had the top of my ears burning. I stood by my coach, bat in hand. I raised my bat to take a swing, but before I could my coach stopped me.

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Old Tricks

Today I was walking in downtown Franklin and was stopped by a posse of teen girls. “Who are you?” the brave teen continued, “I can tell you are someone, but I don’t know who.” 

 I laughed, partly at the awkwardness, partly at the irony.

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RecentNicole PoolmanRecent
Mixing Colors

If I have learned anything over the last couple of years, it is that life is messy. Most days I want to wipe out the mess with a magic wand. Who wouldn’t? However, there is also this deep appreciation for something, Someone, bigger than me.  He isn’t afraid of the mess, He isn’t afraid to mix the ugly colors with the beautiful ones. He isn’t afraid to mix disappointment and hope, success and failure, peace and storm…or sadness and joy. 

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Great is Thy Faithfulness

Glorifying the past doesn’t help me process the past, prepare for the future, or live in the present. Only knowing that my life is marked with His faithfulness is what answers those questions. 

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Nicole Poolman
Celebrating Before Breakthrough

Perhaps I have saved the most difficult topic to write about last. Growing in celebration for my friends was not something that happened overnight. The first step was admitting that I was having a hard time. Pain is pain.  Emotions are real, and they are important to process. Without acknowledging emotions we cannot process them… It is possible to live in such a way that celebrating others increases our hope instead of stealing our peace.

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Disappointment is something we will all have to face this side of eternity. We will be disappointed by life’s circumstances, we will be disappointed by our family, our friends, we will even be disappointed in what we perceive that God has not done for us. When we don’t deal with disappointment it can steal our passion. However, disappointment doesn’t have to be a wedge between us and God. It can be an invitation into intimacy. 

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My Psalm

I don’t believe in your goodness because my life is easy. ⠀
I don’t believe in your faithfulness because ⠀
I have only experienced the land of milk and honey. ⠀
But I know your goodness because I know heartache. ⠀
I know your faithfulness because I know the desert. ⠀

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Nicole Poolman